Packaging Machinery Sales
30 years of delivering packaging excellence: We provide reliable solutions and exceptional results for businesses like yours.
Case Packer
SIPA Robby Pack
Key Features: A robotic packaging system offering high-speed, flexible packaging solutions for different product types.
- Speed and Throughput : Up to 550 cycles /hour (2000 to 130,000 BPH)
- Case Size Versatility : Good for or complex case packing patterns
- Changeover Time : Suitable for frequent product changes
Zambelli WR
Key Features: A continuous motion wrap-around case packer
- Speed and Throughput : High, designed for speed production lines
- Case Size Versatility : Up to 190 x90 x 340 tall.
- Changeover Time : Continuous motion wrap-around.
Mondo & Scaglione MI
Key Features: Automatic case packer with 2 controlled axis. The machine automatically inserts bottles into “American” style cases, trays, PVC crates, wooden crates, etc.
- Speed and Throughput : 3,500 to 18,000 BPH on 6 or 12 pack
- Case Size Versatility : various models available depending on dimension
- Changeover Time : Quick, controlled by touch screen display